
2024-25 CSU STEM VISTA Intent to Submit Form (Deadline: November 13, 2023)

Questions marked with a * are required
Campus Name and Department/Program Name 
Point of Contact: Name, Title, Campus Email, and Telephone Number
Share a 3-4 sentence summary of your department/program's mission, goals and objectives.
What is your STEM focus? (select all that apply)
Share 2-3 sentences about the overall goal of the proposed VISTA project.
List 2-3 service/activities that the VISTA member will develop  (i.e.,  VISTA members can not directly mentor students, but can develop or research mentor programs).
Share a website link(s) for the program/department/center's webpage, social media, or a featured publication that showcases the department's mission and goals, student accomplishments, and staff. (Not required)
Cost Share:  campus host sites are required to pay a modest VISTA member cost share of $5,600 per each awarded and filled full-time member.  The Chancellor's Office recognizes that for some departments with limited operating budgets that this cost share amount may be prohibitive. We are offering a limited number of sliding scale cost share amounts (ranging from $2,500-$4,500) to awarded campuses. 

If your department intends to apply for one of the limited reduced cost share amounts, please provide a brief justification for the request and include the following departmental information:  1) operating budget; 2) # of students served; 3) staff to student ratio; and  4) amount your office can reasonably cost share from the sliding scale and why this amount. 
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